Mentoring Program: Applications are open!
Fiction Magnet, a joint venture of ndF (new German film company) and ZDF Studios, is launching a mentoring program in cooperation with the SERIENCAMP CONFERENCE. Young writers (of any age) can apply for mentoring from now on.
They are looking for writers, authors and poets of any text genre - whether it's a screenplay, advertising copy, blog or poetry slam - who are looking for experience and exchange with absolute TV professionals as well as a creative home for their series ideas - and not just for one project. Insights into the numerous productions of Fiction Magnet and the entire ndF group are offered, as well as sparring at eye level and support for one's own ideas. The prerequisite for applying is that one has already reached an audience with their texts.
Interview with Nina Peters
Nina Peters, Head of Business Affairs at ndF, answers a few questions for SERIENCAMP regarding the call for applications for the mentoring program.

Nina Peters: Als großes Produktionshaus mit vielen laufenden Produktionen und Format-Entwicklungen sind wir immer auf der Suche nach neuen, tollen Kreativen und spannenden Geschichten. Und da die Fiction Magnet eine gemeinsame Firma mit den Kolleg*innen von ZDF Studios ist, haben wir hier noch eine zusätzliche Kompetenz im Haus, die spannend für neue Talente ist. Üblicherweise rufen Firmen oder Festivals zur Einreichung einzelner Stoffideen auf, wir aber wollen die Kreativen, an die wir glauben, langfristig binden – daher suchen wir Talente, keine einzelnen Konzepte. Und auch für die Kreativen ist es wesentlich spannender, neben dem Feedback zu einzelnen Projekten auch übergreifender Einblicke und Kontakte und somit wertvolles Wissen zu erhalten. Auf diesem Gedanken ist die Idee zum Mentoring-Programm entstanden und wir sind gespannt auf die Einreichungen.
Why is Seriencamp Conference the perfect partner for this collaboration?

The colleagues at SERIENCAMP and the associated conference are known for their excellent talent scouting; they have a good sense for exciting people and stories. And they not only think innovatively, but also long-term, which is a good fit for us. We are looking forward to the first joint venture and hope that this cooperation will lead to an exciting talent network over the coming years.
Why is the mentoring program aimed at German creatives who have not yet had any connection to the TV series industry?

We are all always looking for new ideas and perspectives - and for that, we have to step outside our bubble. At the same time, it is difficult for people who are not close to the industry through film schools, etc. to get in touch with us. With our program, we want to open these previously rather closed doors.
What do you expect from the submissions and who decides which applicants will receive the mentoring?

We are looking for new talent, so we hope for exciting new contacts and new authors. We have formed an internal task force team that reviews and evaluates all submissions and makes their results accessible to the producers, who ultimately decide whom we would like to offer the mentoring to. This is quite an extensive process, in which we also involve colleagues from other companies in the group.
How will the workshop at the Seriencamp Conference and the subsequent mentoring sessions take place?

Since we design the mentoring days to fit the people and projects we select, we cannot say much about this yet, or we don't want to commit ourselves too much. Possible elements include meetings with our producers and showrunners, a peek into a writers' room, a book review, etc. In the first half of the year, we will offer insights into our work, and then the focus will be on supporting an individual project.
About the application
Send your cover letter, information about yourself, and up to three project ideas (if you have them) to ... by April 28, 2023.
For more information about the Mentoring Program and Fiction Magnet, visit