Work in Progress II: LIEBES KIND

Do., 15.06.23 / 15:00 - 15:15
Cinenova / Saal 1
Thomas Lückerath, Lisa Kreimeyer, Isabel Kleefeld, Julian Pörksen

Our popular showcase format "Work In Progress" takes a look at promising upcoming German TV series projects in various stages of production. With exclusive first looks at upcoming projects from Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Paramount+, ZDF, ZDFneo, ARD, and Sky. 

Host: Thomas Lückerath. – CEO and Founder

15:00 – 15:15 LIEBES KIND (Netflix)
Based on the bestseller by Romy Hausmann, director and head writer Isabel Klefeld adapts the story of a young woman who escapes the minuately regulated life dictated by a kidnapper for Netflix. 

Lisa Kreimeyer (Netflix Managerin Series DACH)
Isabel Kleefeld (Headwriter, Director)
Julian Pörksen (Writer, Director)

15:15 - 15:30 SAVE ME (AT) (UFA Fiction / Amazon Prime Video)
Love, glamour and backstabbing are just some of the thematic cornerstones of the Maxton Hall-bestseller trilogy. A first glimpse into the eagerly awaited adaptation will not only delight fans of the books! 

Petra Hengge Head of Scripted TV Germany, Amazon Studios
Ceylan Yildirim UFA Fiction | Executive Producer
Valentin Debler UFA Fiction | Junior Producer

15:30 - 15:45 ZEIT VERBRECHEN (X-Filme / Paramount)
Germany’s most successful podcast is turned into a anthology series. Written and directed by some of the most exciting creative talent, this series project has “smash hit” written all over!

Susanne Schildknecht (Senior Vice President, MTV Entertainment Content & Brand, Europe and Middle East)
Jorgo Narjes (Produzent - X Filme Creative Pool)

15:45 - 16:00 PLAN B (Gaumont / ZDF)
In Canada the drama series PLAN B has proven as a smash hit that deftly mixes genre concepts with well-written drama. The German adaptation for ZDF also promises mind-bending time travel with clever twists.

Lina Mareike Zopfs (Producer)
Ingrid Kaltenegger (Writer)
TBC - Vertreter*in der ZDF-Redaktion

Hosts & Speaker
Geschäftsführer & Gründer

Manager Deutsche Serien

Headautorin; Director

Writer; Director