Adolescence is a time of perpetual humiliation. "Looserit" shows that this can be a lucky...
Adolescence is a time of perpetual humiliation. "Looserit" shows that this can be a lucky...
Generation gap extreme: Dystopian reality show has kids fighting for golden future.
Only a small percentage make it from talented youth player to professional footballer. Young Elias gets the unique opportunity and is soon at risk of being torn apart between hope, fear of failure and moral boundaries.
Last year it was ...
Race and class in the United Kingdom: A prestigious English private school opens its doors to five black teenagers from the public school system.
Coming-of-age drama about love in digital times: When her online boyfriend makes out with a stranger, Ida goes in search of “real” love.
An unembellished look at structures and perpetrators in the Serbian drug milieu.
Road trip of a young Iranian woman who, in search of her father, is also allowed to discover the Iran behind the Western distorted images.
I know what you did last summer - even 25 years after the cult teen slasher: at least as bloody in series form.
The Coup-Rapper Boots Riley follows in the footsteps of Donald Glover and Michel Gondry: “I’m A Virgo” is an enchantingly surreal, warm-hearted and uproariously funny comingof-age story.
Cootie grows up sheltered in an ...
Three students become pawns of a Palestinian drug lord in the Middle East conflict.
Series sensation from Israel: Authentically violent coming-of-age between "4 Blocks" and "Clan der Kinder".
We Are Family: A devoted single mother, her privileged gay soulmate and her precocious daughter struggle to find a better life in a system that’s built against them.
That life on the social fringes of Great Britain is not easy, we know from ...
Meth hell in (Eastern) European style: a young dealer gets caught between the fronts of the police and Vietnamese-Czech syndicates.
Fridays For Future I’m In Love: Modern day Romeo & Juliet find themselves on different sides of the climate movement and must fight for a common future.
No feuding families, no rival gangs, and yet on two different sides, facing each other ...
What used to be Interrail is now the escape from unscrupulous gangsters: Instead of a short holiday in Rotterdam, four London teenagers find themselves on the run through Europe – with several kilos of Heroin in their luggage.
This is what ...
"Sturm und Drang" in Sweden: young adults find their way in life in search of themselves.
Coming-of-age and building a hip hop career in Mexico: In the musical drama, things are getting “Vgly” not only during the musical competition, but also in the struggle for survival .
Already last year, music series in general and hip hop ...
Horror trip instead of rave party: sheer terror awaits a group of young influencers (and their followers) in the Brandenburg woods.