Martin Boudot is creator and director of the French documentary series Planet Killers. In his series he attempted to track down the most wanted environmental criminals worldwide with the help of Interpol's units for environmental crime. They are the Ed Geins and Jeffrey Dahmers of the age of climate change, and their offenses against nature are crimes against humanity. The difference is that they claim indirect victims with their actions but could ultimately cost the entire planet’s future. We had the opportunity to ask Martin Boudot some questions in advance. As it is a touchy topic Martin Boudot didn ́t just invest his time and work but also his safety, as he got several death threats and stands under police surveillance at the moment. Read here about it.

We had the opportunity to follow the Environmental Crime Unit of Interpol. The most wanted criminals covered many areas within the environmental criminality. It was clearly impossible to cover all of them (illegal fishing, pollution, waste crime, ivory trafficking, timber trafficking…) in one single documentary. The series has one advantage to the feature: the ability to tell in-depth stories with narrative twists, while addressing important issues.
What motivates you to research in that field?

I’ve been investigating environmental scandals for the last 15 years. I’ve seen the rise of environmental crime and I realized so few documentaries were addressing the topic. Worse than that, most of the population is not aware that there are some actual environmental crime networks and I wanted to highlight this issue.
How can TV-series documentaries contribute in raising awareness about the climate crisis and can they lead to change?

By using the narrative codes of thrillers, I wanted to talk to the person who usually watches true crime series and are not specifically into environmental issues. Addressing a large audience with stories that matter and shape the world: that’s where I want to be! Raising awareness is the first step to action. The viewers can then pressurize their own government, knowing that some of them are actually safe haven for environmental criminals.
What is your next step? Do you work on a new project?

We’d like to start a second season of «Planet Killers» but we’re awaiting France Television’s approval. Other than that, I keep producing my other series called «Green Warriors», scientific investigations about environmental issues.
Thank you for your time and answers Martin! We are really looking forward to watch Planet Killers on Seriencamp Festival 2023!
Don´t miss the screening of Planet Killers and get yourself a reservation in advance. If you are interested in the other series on our Transforming Storytelling day, featuring documentaries and fictional series that broach the issue of the climate crisis and how to provoke action with the narrative read here.