
SerienCampus: Girls Get Shit Done

Fri, 07.06.24 / 13:15 - 14:00
Herbrand’s / Bahnhaus
Simone Schellmann, Wiebke Mercier, Zetha Asafu-Adjaye

Let’s not beat around the bush anymore: starting out in the music or TV industry is damn hard. You have no contacts, no money, Google doesn’t help you and you don’t know the unwritten laws, which nobody wants to explain to you up front. So, "who to ask when no-one is really talking?” This is where GIRLS* GET SHIT DONE comes in. Jasmin Himmelmann and Simone Schellmann started this project to pursue an important goal: an equal and diverse music industry. As the founder of SERIENCAMP, Simone Schellmann is also close to the TV industry and recognizes many parallels. Plain speaking is also needed in this industry and so SERIENCAMP CONFERENCE is the perfect place to visit GIRLS* GET SHIT DONE. Two experienced women will share what they have learned with the audience and answer questions afterwards. This session is dedicated to female young professionals*.

Hosts & Speakers


Seriencamp Festival & Counterparts Music
Festival Director, Artist Management & Booking

Wiebke Mercier

storytelle by Tellux Film
Producer & Co-Founder

Zetha Asafu-Adjaye (Agentin) - 1

ZTA Management
Co-Founder & Agent