
Web series


„Web series“ ran 2016 in the festival cinema program.

Three German web series festivals, three award winners and the Seriencamp: Together with our partner festivals die Seriale, Webfest Berlin and Wendie Webfest Hamburg we are happy to present you six web series gems from all over the world, from which our jury will surely choose a worthy winner. The sponsor of the award is Studio Hamburg.


The Giessen IndieSerien Festival was founded by "UnsereSerien" initiator Dennis Albrecht ( as an initiative of independent German series makers) and Csongor Dobrotka and took place for the second time this June. This year, the already multiple award-winning Austrian web series "Endzeit" was pleased about the prize of 2,000 euros and the invitation to the Seriencamp.

ENDZEIT of siblings Anna & Jan Groos and tells in seven episodes of Daniel, who opens an Internet mail order business with emergency utensils, which develops in the future into a socio-political project.


The Webfest Berlin, represented by founder Meredith Burkholder, is dedicated to the presentation and promotion of "episodic digital content" from around the world and went for the second time in Berlin over the stage. Here too, in addition to several discoveries, there was a "Grand Jury Prize" winner, who will now also face a jury here at the invitation of Seriencamp: The Argentine series "A Year Without Us":

A YEAR WITHOUT US by Fernando Milsztajn & Tian Cartier revolves around a young couple who seem destined for each other since puberty. Until Ricardo and Clara decide to take the acid test. 


Coordinated by director Nina Heinrich, Wendie Webfest Hamburg brought together independent filmmakers from Hamburg, Germany and around the world for the first time at the end of September to share and, of course, screen the ins and outs of serialized narratives on the web. Here, too, an Indie Award will be presented, the winner of which will present itself to the jury at Seriencamp.

DISCOCALYPSE (D) is a young German horror-comedy web series whose creators Dirk Rosenlöcher and Daniel Hacker have already enjoyed several awards. Now their zombie fresh blood injection is also a guest at Seriencamp.


The series camp has also chosen - bypassing a jury decision - three outstanding web series, two of which will run in competition "against" or with the award winners of our partner festivals.

ARTHUR (CH) by Nick Rusconi celebrates the psychogram of a notorious serial killer à la "Dexter", who can not let go of murdering as much as communicating with the viewer.

FETT UND FETT (D) by Chiara Grabmayr and Jakob Schreier is about people you meet every day and those you rarely get to see. It is about life in his late 20s as it has always been, as it is today and the search for... for what, actually? (World premiere of episode 3!)

"2 ALIENS" (D) by Thomas Zeug tells on animation-technically high level of the adventures of two aliens, which can leave the area of family suitability already times behind. And just therefore very much fun. (Out of competition)