Power and (sexual) abuse in the highest political circles of Israel. Based on a true story und told from different perspectives, “Unsilenced” turns #metoo into a political precedent.
Compared to the (true) story behind "Unsilenced" the Lewinsky affair seems almost harmless. In fact, the six-part story of "Unsilenced" goes back to the true case of (not named here) Israeli President Moshe Katzav, who in 2000 surprisingly prevailed over Simon Peres in the election for president and seven years later was indicted on several counts of rape and sexual assault of the president. "Unsilenced" approaches the case according to the "Rashomon" principle made famous by Akira Kurosawa, according to which an event is told from different perspectives. Each of the six episodes consequently portrays a different point of view, from the victim to the cuckolded president's wife to his political advisor and the president himself. The result: A multi-layered document of abuse of power, that could be told the same way by one or another US politician (or producer). Long before #metoo became a hashtag