SERIENCAMP Bookclub - Der Schatten


„SERIENCAMP Bookclub - Der Schatten“ ran 2023 in the festival cinema program.

The book club "Girls who read." invites you (all of you, not just girls!) to the screening of the ZDFneo series "The Shadow", based on the psychological thriller of the same name by Melanie Raabe. Afterwards, you can join the book club of "Girls Who Read." together with author Melanie Raabe to discuss the series adaptation, her book and literary adaptations in general.


Melanie Raabe is a writer and author in Cologne. After graduating, she worked during the day as a journalist - and secretly wrote books at night. Her novels are published in over twenty countries, film adaptations are in the works. Her fiction podcast "The Abyss" was published in 2019.Her novel "The Art of Disappearance" was published in 2022. Her novel "The Shadow" forms the basis for ZDFneo s series adaptation of the same name.


Helen Daughtrey is a native of Cologne, Germany, where she also studied English and Spanish. In 2020, she founded the Instagram book club  "Mädels, die lesen."

presented by MÄDELS, DIE LESEN.

"Mädels, die Lesen." is a German-language Instagram book club with more than 6,100 fellow readers*. Every month they read a book together and share their thoughts about it. Founded in 2020 by Helen Daughtrey.