


„Outsiders“ ran 2016 in the festival cinema program.

A clan that knows only its own rules. The Farrell family dynasty has been living its very own "American Dream" in the Appalachian mountains for over 200 years. And for generations, the Farrells have known only too well how to defend their Spartan way of life. But when a large corporation wants to develop mines on their land, the future of the entire clan is threatened. But a leading wolf like Big Foster (David Morse) is not intimidated by anyone; not even when the fragile family idyll is threatened from within. Broadcaster WGN, which has already caused a sensation on the American market with the witchcraft drama "Salem" and the slavery epic "Underground," delivers another opulently illustrated, hard-hitting action series with "Outsiders. As a modern outlaw drama on one of the last frontiers of the USA, "Outsiders" works just as well as a crisp family tragedy between predecessors in the spirit of "Sons of Anarchy" or "Vikings", which would have wrested a satisfied smile even from Shakespeare. With Hollywood's edgy multi-talented David Morse ("The Hurt Locker," "Disturbia," "Treme") at the helm, "Outsiders" could also aim for a place among prime-time blockbusters in this country - after successful licensing by a provider.

With a complex cast of characters to delve into, "Outsiders" is an action-focused drama about a family living by their own laws outside society, that combines the spirit of series like "Sons of Anarchy" and "Vikings" with the tradition of American political discourse between freedom and power.
