Based on the classic novel by Wolfgang Hohlbein, Amazon Prime sends us back to the 1990s and four teenagers into a dark in- between world. Probably the biggest German fantasy project since “The Neverending Story”.
In other places, this might be called "Upside Down", but for German fantasy legend Wolfgang Hohlbein, the dark world beyond our imagination is called "The Dark Tower" - and has very little to do with Stephen King. Instead, it has a lot to do with young people growing up and the worlds in which they sometimes find themselves. And with the 1990s years, which make the perfect and pretty retro-inspired setting for this. At the center of the truly intricately staged saga is young Mark, who learns of a medieval-looking ancestral line and is soon hunted by stone figures that seem to originate in the parallel world of the Black Tower. This is where "The Griffin" reigns. And this is where Mark must set off with his friends if he wants to find his brother, who has just disappeared, and his father, who has been absent for even longer.
Q&A with Fantasy Author Wolfgang Hohlbein