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Déjate ver


„Déjate ver“ ran 2024 in the festival cinema program.

At some point, young Ana gets tired of it. She no longer wants to have to answer the same old questions about the secret identity of the world-famous artist Bassil. And she no longer wants to be part of an art machine in which she herself is just a well-functioning cog. How does Ana realize this? She literally begins to vanish into thin air - starting with her toes. So she decides to leave her art bubble and face her fears, her fellow human beings and a world to which she has so far lacked any connection. Both as an artist and as a woman. The start of a surreal and comical journey of self-discovery in which series creator Álvaro Carmona provides answers to the big questions about art, identity, family and self-realization.


Critics’ Choice Award

Transmitter (Germany)

Noch ohne dt. Ausstrahlungstermin



Year of publication




Language versions

Original version with english subtitles