Sat, 17.06.23 / 20:30 - 21:30
Cinenova / Theatre 2

For the third time, four German critics and series experts will present the CRITICS¢ CHOICE AWARD. It goes to one of the six series pre-selected by SERIENCAMP from the programand will be negotiated and awarded live in front of the audience on June 17 at 8:30 pm. Afterwards, an episode of the winning series will be shown.


Emily Thomey lives in Berlin and, as a cultural journalist and freelance writer, has been dealing with topics from pop, sub- and net culture for over 15 years. With a focus on feminism, series, films, organizational development and sustainability, she work(s) for WDR Cosmo, WDR 5, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, among others. She hosts the culture podcast  "Lakonisch Elegant" by Deutschlandfunk Kultur and the WDR Cosmo series podcast  "Glotz and Gloria". In 2020/21, she discussed current series on the TV talk show SERI.s for ARD One together with Sarah Kuttner, Hanna Huge and Robert Hofmann.


Michael Müller has been an editor at the industry journal Blickpunkt:Film since 2019, with a focus on TV & streaming. He meanwhile enjoys reading quarterly reports, as much as he enjoys watching good series. Due to his studies in specialized journalism for history and the final thesis on the German 1930s director Werner Hochbaum he likes to call himself half a film historian. In his native Hesse, he worked as a media journalist before Blickpunkt:Film. Today he lives in Munich.


Jörn Behr has been an author, reporter, presenter and podcaster for WDR radio for over a decade and a half. For many years, his focus has been on series: For WDR 1LIVE, WDR 2 and together with Emily Thomey in the podcast Glotz and Gloria for WDR Cosmo. Like all media fuzzis, of course, he has at least one hit series idea lying on his desktop but will probably then never implement it.


Lisa Ludwig is editor-in-chief of Moviepilot. Also a bestselling author ("Du schaffst das nicht," together with Jasmin Gnu) and journalist for all things pop and internet culture (including VOGUE, VICE, L.sterschwestern podcast).

These titles are up for selection:

click on an entry to find out more about the nominees