
Workshop: Instant Fiction - Fast-Tracking Your Project

Fri, 16.06.23 / 11:10 - 12:40
Herbrand’s / Bahnhaus
Gerhard Maier, Petra Tilger, Phillip Schall, Karl Heidelbach

From first idea to finished series in just a few months? How exatly is this possible? Series like WATCHME, SCHLAFSCHAFE or FREIHEIT have a unique ethos philosophy behind them - the series that are produced under the label INSTANT FICTION for ZDFneo are usually created in less than six months. Targeted for younger audiences and aimed to quickly pick up current topics and discussions, the format uses small ensembles, fewer locations and shooting days to keep budgets low and allow for experimentation.

Veterans of the INSTANT FICTION-format give insights on the Ins and Outs of this special production format.

Hosts & Speakers

Seriencamp Mitarbeiter 2021

Head Of Programme, Co-Founder


Redakteurin; stellvertretende Redaktionsleiterin für „Fernsehfilm und Serie I“

220726_Mitarbeiter Portrait_Philipp Schall_neu

CEO / Geschäftsführer

Karl Heidelbach
