
SPECIAL: Genre & Series

Thu, 15.06.23 / 10:30 - 11:30
Cinenova / Theatre 1
Gerhard Maier, George Anthony Gottl, Daniel Rübesam, Riccarda Schemann, Benjamin Munz

Keynote: Genre and Series - Why should you make your audience scream

Why do young audiences love genre series? And what does it mean for the shows we will see in the future?

Genre connects to audiences much better than the usual mix of drama, comedy and stories grounded in reality. Audiences in younger age brackets respond better to stories set in „magical worlds.“  George Gottl, former Creative Director at Nike and current Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder of UXUS, a strategic design consultancy, connects the dots: Why do audiences love genre? And what does it mean for the series we will see in the future?

George Gottl (Chief Creative Officer UXUS // Founder EXPLORERS OF THE UNFOUND)

Panel: The taste for blood? How genre Series turn into global hits

The numbers don’t lie - on a global scale nothing is more successful than „genre series“: fantasy, science fiction, thriller and mystery have a broad world-wide appeal and speak to audiences across various cultural backgrounds. Especially younger audiences connect much more to stories if they are in a „fantastic“ setting.

The challenges behind creating these stories seem to differ from the creative processes of classical series. Creators and experts share insights and thoughts on how to approach genre series and what are the biggest Do’s and Don’ts when going into horror, fantasy and Sci-Fi.

Daniel Rübesam (Director)
Riccarda Schemann (Headautorin)
George Gottl (Chief Creative Officer UXUS // Founder EXPLORERS OF THE UNFOUND)
Benjamin Munz (Producer BLOOD RED SKY, OLD PEOPLE / Wiedemann & Berg)


Hosts & Speakers

Seriencamp Mitarbeiter 2021

Head Of Programme, Co-Founder

Speaker Conference 2023 (12)

Explorers of the Unfound
Executive Producer & Co-Founder of Explorers of the Unfound

Danie Ruebesam


Benjamin Munz

Wiedemann & Berg Film