Jana Zündel

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Jana Zündel is a postdoctoral researcher at the DFG Research Training Group “Configurations of Film” at Goethe University Frankfurt. She studied media studies in Weimar (2008-2011) and Bonn (2012-2015). Her dissertation (completed in 2021), which examines televisual and serial paratexts as indicators of media cultural change, was published as “Fernsehserien im medienkulturellen Wandel” in 2022 (Herbert von Halem Verlag). Jana Zündel was a research assistant in the Department of Media Studies at Bonn University (2017-2021) and scholarship holder in the Structured Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Arts (2018-2021); her research and teaching focuses on digital media cultures and meme studies, television studies, series and streaming platforms, and film analysis and historiography.