Hannah-Lisa Paul

Producer & Director

Hannah-Lisa Paul, born in 1996, studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, specialising in directing, and graduated with distinction. Her social adverts for Medica Mondiale and Unicef won international prizes, such as the New York Advertising Award and the ADC .

She made her debut with the series "Abgetaucht!" for KIKA and in 2023 directed the series "Gong! Mein spektrakuläres Leben", a very sensitive yet humorous dramedy about the autistic main character Eileen. In addition to her work as a director, she has also worked as a producer on series such as "KBV-Keine besondere Vorkommnisse“, the feature film "Der Pfau“ and „The Dinosaur Club“. 

Her films focus on feminist-critical social adverts, which are often staged in a very subtle, subtle and yet effective way, and on authentic, sensitive productions with children for children.