

ITV Studios Germany GmbH is an independent television production company based in Cologne and Berlin. Since 1999, the company has been producing formats of various genres for a variety of German-language broadcasters. The managing directors of ITV Studios Germany are Christiane Ruff and Martin Borowski.

The portfolio includes, among others, the fiction productions "Klima retten für Anfänger" (ARD), "Ein Schritt zum Abgrund" (ARD), and "Like a Loser" (ZDFneo), which have already aired this year, as well as other development projects for various broadcasters and streaming platforms. Other successful productions in different genres include "Mein Zuhause richtig schön – Der Eva Brenner Plan" (ZDF) and "Die Schnäppchenhäuser – Jeder Cent zählt" (RTLZWEI), as well as the cooking formats "Grill den Henssler" and "Das perfekte Dinner" for VOX, and the popular quiz shows "Gefragt– Gejagt" and "Quizduell-Olymp" for Das Erste.

In addition, ITV Studios Germany's portfolio includes the RTL event format "Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!" and the RTLZWEI highlight "Love Island - Heiße Flirts und wahre Liebe."